Tough on Crime

Crimes Against Children Cases

Cases involving Crimes Against Children are some of the most tragic cases a prosecutor can deal with. Physical abuse and sexual abuse cases where children are victims are particularly difficult because many times the perpetrator is a person the child knows or in some cases a member of their family. Our office takes these cases seriously. With many of these cases on our dockets, it takes experience and skill to navigate these cases to a just result for the child abuse survivor. I am so happy to be a board member at Scotty’s House Child Advocacy Center that helps to provide services to abused children here in the Brazos Valley. Below are a list of some cases involving physical and sexual abuse since I have been your District Attorney.

Brazos County Jury Hands Down Life Sentence for Injury to a Child

Child Molester Sentenced to Life in Prison

Child Predator Sentenced to Life in Prison

Defendant Sentenced to Life in Prison for Death of Child

Mother Sentenced to 75 Years for Child Abuse


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Crimes Against Women Cases

In the Brazos County District Attorney’s Office domestic violence makes up over 60% of our violent crime. In 2015 we started our Crimes Against Women Unit which focuses on domestic violence and sexual assault. We have worked with law enforcement, Brazos County 911, our local nurses and doctors, our local domestic violence shelter, and others to help prosecute this horrific crime. We started a domestic violence and sexual assault staffing where each of these cases is vetted by an investigator and a team of prosecutors in order to evaluate and determine the best method for prosecution. The results have been spectacular. Looking at Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault prosecutions in 2015 vs. 2022 we have seen a dramatic increase in indictments and dispositions. For example, the national average for successful strangulation prosecution is 15%. In Brazos County in 2022 97% of individuals who were indicted for strangulation were convicted and sentenced. This is a result of the hard work our prosecutors put into getting good results in the courtroom for victims. This division has been led by Jessica Escue, Melissa Carter and Investigator Mike Johse.

Brazos County Jury Hands Down Life Sentence For Man Who Burglarized and Attempted to Sexually Assault College Students

Career Domestic Violence Abuser Receives 45 years in Prison for Crimes

Domestic Abuser Receives 45 Years for Assault

Domestic Abuser Sentenced to Life in Prison



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Driving While Intoxicated Cases

Driving While Intoxicated in Brazos County can cause serious harm to innocent individuals driving on our highways. It poses dangerous risks for children in neighborhoods as well as for unsuspecting individuals driving to work or school. In the Brazos County District Attorney’s Office, felony Driving While Intoxicated cases are taken seriously, looking at the specific facts involved to determine what punishment is necessary to send a message to the defendant and deter his behavior.  Repeat felony drunk driving offenders are punished severely.

Defendant Sentenced to 45 years for Fatal DWI Crash

Jury Sentences Defendant to 35 Years for 6th DWI

Jury Sentences Defendant to 40 Years for 10th DWI Conviction

Repeat DWI Offender Gets 30 Year Sentence

Repeat DWI Offender Sentenced to 25 Years In Prison


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Property Crimes Cases

When a person’s home is burglarized or stolen from, that person’s loss is not just financial. It sends ripple effects throughout the street, neighborhood and community where the crime takes place. Our office takes property crimes such as burglary and theft seriously, understanding that small businesses are the backbone of our community and the engine of our economy. Please take a look at some of the cases below that highlight our commitment to rights of individuals to be safe in their homes and businesses.

Defendant Receives 45 Years for Burglary with Intent to Sexually Abuse

Defendant Sentenced to Prison for Theft and Evading Arrest

Habitual Car Burglar Sentenced to 18 Years in Prison

Habitual Offender Sentenced to 37 Years for Burglary

Man Gets 25 Years in Prison for Burglary of Local Homes


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Robbery Cases

Violent Crimes Cases

Brazos County stands out as a place where people want to come and raise their families because it is a safe community. When individuals choose to commit violent crime in our area, our goal is to send a message to the defendant, and the entire community, that this behavior won’t be tolerated in Brazos County. This is the reason why we increased the prosecution and sentences of defendants who rob banks, convenience stores and small businesses. It is the reason we have increased the punishments for defendants who commit murder. I want to make sure that Brazos County is safe for all citizens, and we are tough on crime when it means the most.

Brazos County Jury Sentences Defendant to Life in Prison For Murder

Defendant Receives 90-Year Sentence for Shooting Bryan Police Officer

Defendant sentenced to Life Without Parole for Double Homicide

Jury Sentences Man to Life in Prison for Murder

Man Sentenced to Life For Capital Murder


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Political Advertising Paid for by Jarvis Parsons’ Campaign, Jonathan Poe, Treasurer.